This dataset may be used for non-commercial purposes only. For commercial research, please contact us about purchasing a license. Below are listed the relevant publications to cite and to consult for information for the different parts of this data resource. ----- For Trinity Speech-Gesture I, please cite the following when using this dataset in your research: ----- Ferstl, Ylva, and Rachel McDonnell. "Investigating the use of recurrent motion modelling for speech gesture generation." Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. 2018. BibTeX: @inproceedings{ferstl2018investigating, title={Investigating the use of recurrent motion modelling for speech gesture generation}, author={Ferstl, Ylva and McDonnell, Rachel}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents}, pages={93--98}, year={2018} } ----- For Trinity Speech-Gesture II, please cite the following when using this dataset in your research: ----- Ferstl, Ylva, Michael Neff, and Rachel McDonnell. "ExpressGesture: Expressive gesture generation from speech through database matching." Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (2021): e2016. BibTeX: @article{ferstl2021expressgesture, title={ExpressGesture: Expressive gesture generation from speech through database matching}, author={Ferstl, Ylva and Neff, Michael and McDonnell, Rachel}, journal={Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds}, pages={e2016}, year={2021}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} } ----- If you use our provided gesture segmentation, please ADDITIONALLY cite the following: ----- Ferstl, Ylva, Michael Neff, and Rachel McDonnell. "Adversarial gesture generation with realistic gesture phasing." Computers & Graphics 89 (2020): 117-130. BibTeX: @article{ferstl2020adversarial, title={Adversarial gesture generation with realistic gesture phasing}, author={Ferstl, Ylva and Neff, Michael and McDonnell, Rachel}, journal={Computers \& Graphics}, volume={89}, pages={117--130}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier} } ----- If you use the gesture parameter information, please ADDITIONALLY cite the following: ----- Ferstl, Ylva, Michael Neff, and Rachel McDonnell. "Understanding the predictability of gesture parameters from speech and their perceptual importance." Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. 2020. @inproceedings{ferstl2020understanding, title={Understanding the predictability of gesture parameters from speech and their perceptual importance}, author={Ferstl, Ylva and Neff, Michael and McDonnell, Rachel}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents}, pages={1--8}, year={2020} } ----- Additional notes: ----------------------------- The AlignmentTimes files contain the start times of the audio files and motion files, marked by the clapper. In each data sub-folder, you will find a zip file containing all files of that sub-folder, for more convenient download. ----- Contact information: ----------------------------- Ylva Ferstl: Rachel McDonnell: ----- ----- ----- ----- -----